About Us

Building relationships is at the heart of what we do

We are Haitian-founded, Haitian-led and all our ministry staff is Haitian. Our mission teams come to serve alongside and support the efforts of our Haitian friends. Building relationships is at the heart of what we do because we believe that God is at work connecting the Body of Christ through missions.

We invite you to partner with God and us through Real Love Ministries International in Haiti; to be One More Person doing One More Thing to help One More Life.

You can do so through your prayers, your financial gifts and by serving on the ground with us in Haiti. After you explore our website and connect with us via social media please contact our Ministry Catalyst, Russ Van Nest at russ@reallovehaiti.org to help you with your first steps.

We praise God for all that He is doing and will do through RLMI in Haiti! We look forward to you joining with us in His Kingdom Work!

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James 1:27

This verse has been at the heart of Real Love Ministries International since its start in Haiti in 2010. Founded by our Haiti Director Michael Sineus, RLMI comes alongside orphans, widows and families in the midst of their distress with the Real Love of Jesus Christ.

As a young man in his late teens, God impressed upon Michael’s heart the desire to help the people in his home village of Minoterie and other parts of rural Haiti. Out of this vision, Real Love Ministries International was born. From a small rental house to our main campus that sits on a former garbage dump and our new mountain campus, God has raised up a place of love and hope for many!

Please explore our website to see what God is doing through Real Love Ministries in Haiti. Better yet, come serve with us to see for yourself!

RLMI has had the privilege and blessing of partnering with churches and other Haiti-based ministries along with churches and individuals in the United States to equip Haitian-led ministry in several rural villages. Presently our core ministries are our Orphanage, Transition Program and Widows Mite. Due to the recent rise in gang violence in Haiti our Real Love Academy, Real Love Medical Clinic and Word of Life-Real Love Church are currently suspended. It is our prayer that we will one day soon resume and grow all our ministries.

In addition to supporting the work of these ministries our visiting Mission Teams (when it is safe enough to do so) assist our Haitian staff with ministry to prostitutes, prisoners, evangelism, outreach initiatives, pastoral and discipleship training and construction projects. Clean water projects and economic sustainability projects are also a part of our expanding vision to positively impact Haiti with the Real Love of Jesus!

To understand our Mission and Vision more fully please read our statement.